Bujumbura-Kamenge Q.Twinyoni 13av n° 20 +257 22 21 12 60 +257 69 815 906 info@acpburundi.org willyfredkamanzi@gmail.com


of Word


in Action


About Us

The Kingdom of God is Life Style (Soul, spirit and body kept blameless)

Our Main verses in the Bible: May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?"
(1 thessalonicians 5:23)
Our motto: (soup=meals, soap and salvation)

Action du Coeur et de la Parole ‘’ ACP-Burundi’’ or Heart of Word in Action ‘’ HWA- Burundi» is local Christian organisation set up to serve God in Burundi. It was founded in 2018 in Burundi as Christian team Movement for the people who need the Church to show the image of God in Burundi starting in Bujumbura town and continued to grow until now. The members of our ministry are drawn from different denominations who believe Jesus as our saviour. We are not Church to affiliate to. We encourage the people we serve and the new believers to go to the Church. The ACP-Burundi has been engaged in a holistic work. Soul, heart and spirit to be protected until the returning of our Jesus Christ


(+257) 22 21 12 60 / 69 815 906 / 77 853 878

More informations
Ours Dreams



Since 1972, Burundi has been suffering from consecutive civil wars, turning up and down on a daily basis, which turns the entire country poorer. We had critical political situations where by the lower class among the people was the ones to suffer the consequences. Many people died, others traumatized, while others came out totally handicapped as a result.

Outcome of civil wars in our country Burundi:

The people became vulnerable. Widows became so many and children became fatherless. Reason why we have got many orphans and many disabled handicaps, others are traumatized from civil war and crisis. The Christians lost their faith and the non-believers find themselves in a situation whereby there is no need of to believing in Jesus. That is the wilderness.
Now Burundi is one of the poorest country in the world. Because of the law income resulting from the many years of civil wars that have been tearing apart the country, Many people are not able to support themselves.


The are estimated 557 separate religions registered in the country. The majority are Christian of 85%. And the Muslim are about Roman 8-10 and other forms of Christians like Pentecostals and Animism, Indigenous Believers, Baha’i Faith, Atheism and other beliefs make up 7% . With the impact of modernization, Christianity was introduced as a way of ‘civilizing’ the country and opposing Burundi traditions and beliefs. That is why many people have decided to live a double life posing outwardly as Christians, but maintaining their traditional beliefs and practices internally. Lately “there has been a proliferation of Churches with all kinds of un-Biblical teaching due to the lack of qualified Theological schools that can train Religious Ministers”. Few churches stand for the truth. Many Churches in Burundi are not founded on Biblical doctrine. In fact, Churches are not responding to the needs of people even though they are involved in these Churches. The conflicting voice of the Churches is confusing people are inhibiting them from responding to them making Christianity in Burundi “as more a part of the problem than the solution”. Even the churches and the peoples who calling themselves Christians are more in Burundi there is no impact .Many problem and the challenge still there we find that many of them are like the fanatic of Christ not the disciples but the other side the church /Christianity must be the image of God

We still have the issue of Discipleship that why our dream= big vision is to have the Big center:

In this center there is hall of Discipleship, Peace building, archive, research and Book, office and orphanage. The Cost of it is one hundred ninety five thousand dollars 195, 000 USD We are still praying on it so that God can open the door to get support Are you involved? Here the pictures for it

What we do ?

Main field is to do:

Every home for Christ via Disciples of Christ for Mission Movement school ( DCMM)

To help the neglected ones ( widows and orphans )

Peace Building and Coexistence

Promoting Sexual and reproductive Health ( SRHR) to the women and young single mother

Improve the conditions of life through advocacy :

Batwa ethnic
Albino ethnics

Children Ministry

Youth Ministry

Sport Ministry

Conference and training about Kingdom of God purpose

Church mobilisation

Contact Us

12 hours of work
24 hrs telephone support
Action du Coeur et de la Parole ‘’ ACP-Burundi’’ or Heart of Word in Action

(+257) 22 21 12 60 / 69 81 59 06/ 77 853 878

Our team

Willy-Fred KAMANZI

Secretary General

Is a senior leader of the Ministry, he has degree in theology from Baptist institute and hold bachelor in Human Nutrition from East Africa Star University and others many certificates in Discipleship from Zimbabwe , Peace Building from Kenya ,Mission ,Sport Mistry in Zambia ,healing the trauma from Burundi ,Christian Leadership and reconciliation got in Uganda , youth and children Ministry from Kenya …,he is author, disciple-maker coach, and trainer of other leaders also very active in advocacy and mobilization .4 years as experiences by working with Pastors of different denomination, 6 years with Youth, Children ,orphans and Widows.

Previous activities

Discover the latest activities on our site

Main Office Location

Burundi, Bujumbura-Kamenge Q.Twinyoni 13av n° 20
Fute House 1 floor n° 11


+257 22 21 12 60
+257 69 81 59 06
+257 77 853 878


6220 Bujumbura-Burundi

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